Dog Friendly Holidays Wales Brecon Mountain Walk 07 - Dog Friendly Wales | Dog Friendly Hotel

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Dog Friendly Holidays Wales Brecon Mountain Walk 07

Dog Services > Dog Articles > Dog Friendly Mountain Walk

Dog Friendly Wales Walk in the Brecon Beacons

Dog Friendly Tips: What to Pack for your Dog

Bringing some creature comforts along with you can help your pet to settle in their new surroundings, making holidaying more enjoyable for your dog. So, before you travel, pack for your dog too:

-       An old blanket to cover the seat your pet will be travelling on and to cover the bed or floor at your hotel

-       Some pet bedding

-       Travel-friendly food and water bowls

-       Some pet food pouches

-       Bottled water for your pet to drink while travelling

-       Treats and toys

-       A brush or comb

-       Any medication needed

-       Tweezers in case anything gets stuck in their paws or fur

-       Waste removal bags for dogs and a litter tray for cats

-       Contact details for the closest vet’s practice to  your hotel

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Copyright Dog Friendly Wales and Jack the Dog
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