Dog Friendly Swimming Pool 05 - Dog Friendly Wales | Dog Friendly Hotel

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Dog Friendly Swimming Pool 05

Dog Services > Dog Articles > Dog Friendly Swimming Pool

Craig Y Nos Dog Friendly Wales Hotel - Jack's Swimming Pool

Dog Friendly Tips: Regular Dog Grooming

Regular washing and brushing helps you monitor your dog's health. Regular brushing is essential to your dog’s health for two reasons.

First, it ensures that your dog’s skin, teeth, and paws are in good shape.

Secondly, it keeps you up to speed on your dog’s overall physical condition.

Brush your dog’s coat with a gentle, yet firm dog brush. Is her coat smooth and silky, rough yet resilient, or is it matted and knotted? Monitor your dog’s coat over time and you will notice subtle changes from season to season.

Dogs need proper teeth cleanings, just like humans. To maintain your dog’s dental health, we recommend using dog dental wipes and having your vet take a look at her teeth from time to time.

Finally, check your dog’s paws on a regular basis. Are paws clear of foreign objects, splinters, no large cracks or sores etc? It’s amazing what a dog can pick up playing in the woods. Also in new environments, they may pick up different problems. In Wales we do not have burrs, but whenever we go to Sussex my dogs pick up loads of burrs and Jack also seems to attract ticks - which he never gets in Wales. A tick unwinder device may be useful if travelling into tick country.

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Copyright Dog Friendly Wales and Jack the Dog
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