Dog Friendly Hotel Swansea Craig y Nos Country Park 64 - Dog Friendly Wales | Dog Friendly Hotel

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Dog Friendly Hotel Swansea Craig y Nos Country Park 64

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Craig Y Nos Country Park - Dog Friendly Accommodation

Dog Friendly Tips: Some Dog Care Tips

Dogs should always wear a collar. Even while bathing he should not be without the collar. A tag mentioning the name of the dog, the owners name and address should always be attached to the collar of the dog. Some owners however are not so keen on including the name of the dog in case someone steals the dog and, knowing its name, can make it come to their call.

Also use a lead when you are taking your dog out for a walk - even if walking off the lead most of the time, a spare lead is needed just in case.

If there is a swimming pool in your house make sure of training your puppy not to go close to the pool.

Your dog needs plenty of attention especially if your dog is of a big size; you need to devote a considerable amount of time to increase the sense of attachment ibetween you and your pet. This prevents abnormal behavioral changes in your dog.

For flea prevention, use a topical application such as Frontline. Don't use flea collars as they can be dangerous for the health of your dog.

Become familiar with all the vaccinations that are necessary for your dog.

Visit the veterinary clinic for routine check ups of your dog.

Give your dog food items made up of pure ingredients. Choose the right dog food item for a balanced combination of nutrients: vitamins, protein, minerals and the right amounts of calories. Some dog’s food packets have excess nutrients and calories that cause harm to the health of the dog. The amount of nutrition to be taken by a dog depends on the age, the breed and the level of activities carried out by your dog. Be particular about the nutritious diet that you should be giving to your dog.

Dogs are more susceptible to heat than humans. We can shed clothes or put them on as necessary. During the summer season provide your dog with a cool resting place and do not force your dog to run or walk with you or to perform exercises in hot weather. Your dog may be perfectly willing to do go walkies but hot weather is not ideal and can cause dehydration. Give them plenty of water to drink.

If your dog seems restless due to heat contact a vet as heatstroke for dogs can be life threatening.

Make sure of spaying your dog or neutering which is beneficial for the health of the dog as well. Your dog will be less restless, less aggressive and less susceptible to diseases such as prostrate cancer and development of tumours related to hormones.

Get your male dog neutered when he reaches the age of 5 to 6 months. A female dog if neutered will not have to bear the emotional turmoil and the bleeding that takes place every three months.

The scent of a female when in heat may attract male dogs which are even miles away from her. They might wander off to be near her, risking injury on roads and getting lost, chasing old scents. In the company of other dogs, they may even fight among themselves for supremacy in front of a female.

See more dog care tips.

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Copyright Dog Friendly Wales and Jack the Dog
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